Termite inspections are as necessary as servicing your car. You may not have a termite inspection completed as regularly, but if you leave it for far too long, it could end up being a bigger job. Plus it could cost you more in the long run.
No one likes termites near their house. We try to forget them, to block them from our thoughts but ignoring these bugs doesn’t make them go away. For some kind of termites, i.e. the Subterranean termites, they can tunnel beneath your property.
So, when was the last time you had a termite inspection?
Even if you have termite baits installed, you still need to check regularly for their telltale signs. The same goes for a termite chemical barrier. These hungry soft-bodied insects will seek out and find any gap in your termite defence plan.
Here’s what you need to know about:
- Annual termite inspections
- Termite damage to your house
- How long termite treatments last
- Check termite bait stations
- Termite inspection costs

Homeowners should have a full termite inspection completed
Do you need an annual termite inspection?
Under the Building Code of Australia (BCA), all new homes must have some form of termite management. This includes inspections at least every 12 months. As a QBCC-licensed contractor, we also recommend annual inspections for older, established homes.
In high-risk areas, you may need more frequent inspections. As most termites attack a building from below, homeowners need to be familiar with the ways termites sneak into houses. This way you can protect your home and avoid unnecessary heartache.
Two popular methods that termites use to gain access are by following breadcrumbs or crossing bridges. In order to circumvent those methods you’ll need to avoid placing these on the ground against your house:
- Wood chips
- Garden beds
- Firewood
- Wooden furniture
Aside from an annual inspection, it’s also a good practice to have one completed when renovating, buying or selling, or when you notice suspicious signs that could be termite damage.

Annual termite inspections check wood chips for termite activity
How do you know if your house has termite damage?
Termites are pretty cunning insects. They dig their way into houses from below. They’ll also use bridges to gain access.
Often the signs of termites are right beneath your nose, but until they’ve done some serious damage, they go unnoticed.
Some people don’t have a termite inspection completed until they begin to notice the signs. Things like:
- Peeling paint with weathered wood
- Decaying wood which appears to have tunnels
- Termite mudding or dirt near exits and entrances
- Doors and windows that are difficult to open and close
- Ant-like insect wings – termites like ants fly in swarms
The best way to know if your property is at risk is to have a termite inspection completed. A thorough inspection won’t just look for damages to your house. It will also check your entire property including roof voids, subfloors, fences, and trees for signs of these hungry creatures.

Flying termites are a sign of potential termite damage
How many years does a termite treatment last?
Depending on the type of treatment and how it was applied, a liquid termite treatment can last between five to eight years. Older treatments lasted longer but can be toxic to humans and the environment. Newer treatments are safe but don’t last as long.
Even if you have a termite chemical treatment around your property, it’s not 100% termite proof. An annual inspection by a qualified licensed technician checks your barrier and property for signs of termite activity.
If termites have crawled through your chemical barrier, they’ll either crawl back to the nest and spread the poison, or die depending on the treatment. But if they’ve found a gap or bridge into your home, you may have a termite infestation even with treatment.
There are concerns that some homeowners believe a termite chemical treatment and barrier is all they need to stop termites. While it does afford protection, it’s not entirely termite proof.
A good management system always includes regular termite inspections.

Pre-construction chemical barriers require regular inspections
How often do you need to check a termite bait station?
Termite bait stations are a popular DIY solution, but they work a little differently to chemical barriers. There should be at least ten or more stations to check. Some stations hold cellulose until termites are noticed, while other systems use a mix of cellulose and active ingredient.
A bait station needs to be checked more regularly for termite signs. If termites have chewed through the bait, then it needs to be replaced, so the station remains effective.
We recommend checking bait stations at least quarterly.
While you can inspect termite bait stations yourself, our quarterly check also looks for other signs of termites around your property. A licensed technician can identify and offer expert advice on how to manage termites and keep your property safe from this wood chewing pest.

Check termite bait stations quarterly
How much does a termite inspection cost?
Cost is one of the primary reasons for not having a termite inspection completed.
On average, an annual termite inspection with Suburban Pest Management costs less than a dollar day. Weigh that up against the cost of removing an infestation and repairing termite damage, and it doesn’t compare.
Unfortunately, insurance almost never covers termite damage. And if you let it go for too long, a serious infestation can also mean having to find alternative accommodation while your house is being repaired. In Queensland’s hot humid climate, you can’t afford to drag your feet.
Letting the fear of the unknown get the better part of you is also a major reason people put it off.
Preventative action with an annual termite inspection costs far less than the alternative. Plus, it will also bring you peace of mind that you’re keeping your investment safe.

Average termite inspection costs less than $1 day
Get A Termite Inspection Completed With Suburban Pest Management!
Don’t wait to have your home or business inspected for termites. The sooner you have it done, the sooner you protect your property. At Suburban Pest Management, we recommend as a minimum having an annual termite inspection completed.
Our thorough termite inspection service takes up to two hours to complete. It checks your void, ceilings, walls, skirting boards, beneath the floor, around your yard, fencing, tree stumps, door jambs, windows and more.
Our licensed technicians have the experience to know where and how to remove termites. Take immediate action to protect your home. Book now for your next inspection.