Affordable Termite Treatment For Brisbane Homeowners

Soft-bodied and small in size, one termite doesn’t look like a destructive pest that requires effective control, but many make up huge colonies - which can number in the thousands or even millions of destructive pests.

So what do you do if you discovered termites or suspect termite activity in your home? First, remember to breathe :-) Now it's tempting to break it open and treat it yourself, however this can make things worse. Just cover the area and call Suburban Pest Management.

Tom Aldridge, the owner of Suburban Pest Management recently put together a series of termite videos. In this video, Tom covers off on the process for treating termites.

If you would like to check out the entire series of Termite videos, you can check out our playlist on YouTube here.

Effective Termite Colony Control

Effective termite control, especially in the vulnerable Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, and Gold Coast areas, requires an experienced team of termite control professionals that know the habits of this communal insect. A team like the licensed pest control inspectors and technicians from Suburban Pest Management.

You see, knowing about the termite’s tendency to put the colony’s welfare ahead of its own—can give pest control professionals keen insight into how to eliminate them from your property.

That kind of expertise is what you need to keep termites out of your home for good. Without it, a good-sized colony of termites can move in, start chomping on your home’s timber, and can have you looking at significant damage within as little as a few months.

Forewarned is forearmed. Discover how an effective termite control service can save you thousands of dollars from damage to expensive structures and timber.

  • We offer Brisbane termite services backed by local experience and know-how provide effective ways to control these wood-chomping insects.
  • Termite treatment for Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast area homes and businesses isn’t optional: Australian Government statutes require it. Australian building codes require termite prevention and treatment in key areas in all buildings.
  • Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast termite treatment cost is way less if you act early.
  • Termite management systems for the local area go well beyond eradicating them from your property - regular monitoring is key.

Brisbane Termite Services with Local Knowledge and Expertise

Termites can vary widely by region, both in their habits and their appearance, so it takes a local termite service to know the types of termites that inhabit the Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas.

Brisbane termite services whose inspectors and technicians have years of experience with local pests are the best choice for Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Sunshine Coast property owners and businesses. At Suburban Pest Management, we provide our personnel with the latest in equipment and training, so they can identify whether you have a termite infestation.

Professional Termite Treatment Essential for Brisbane, Gold Coast, And Sunshine Coast Properties

Many of the same things that drew you to the Brisbane, Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast area are exactly what makes these areas prime for a termite infestation. A warm climate, moist sea breezes—it’s paradise for a termite.

That makes professional termite treatment a must—even if termites haven’t come knocking at your door yet.

The fact is, even stone, concrete, and brick buildings have some wooden components in them. To a termite, wood’s dinner no matter where it comes from.

Paul treating termite
Treating Termites

When you live in Brisbane or on the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast, it pays to be proactive. Be smart. Get your termite control program started before the insects do.

Your Termite Treatment Cost Protects Property Value

You might think that treating your property for termites is expensive. It’s nothing, though, compared to the property value you may lose if you don’t get it treated.

And, what’s worse, the longer you leave it, the more damage your buildings will suffer. What may now be a minor repair could cost you thousands in the future if the insects invade your home’s major structural components.

Termite damage to the laundry wall
Termite damage to the laundry wall

Furthermore, if you do plan to sell your home or refinance it, you’ll need to show that your home has had regular termite treatments. We work with all the area’s major lenders and conveyancers to make sure that our termite treatment stands heads above the rest when it comes to property value.

Effective Termite Management Systems

Termite management doesn’t stop with eliminating your current infestation.

Chemical soil treatments provide excellent protection for your home as they create a protective barrier around your property that termites are unable to penetrate.

Baiting systems are also very effective in protecting against termite attack. If you have a baiting system, we will come to your property to monitor them regularly.

Some properties may require a combination of both systems for effective protection against termites, depending on your home's design and layout.

For any property, we also recommend that you have your property inspected at least once a year, maybe more, depending on your situation and your location.

Termite Inspections

Our termite inspections are nothing but thorough. Inside your home, we peep into corners, examine your floors, walls, and ceilings. Then we look inside your in-built cabinetry, look for any cracks into which termites can crawl, or any peeling paint that could indicate the presence of termites. We also look at your window and doors to see if all the seals are intact and double-check rooms that tend to be damp, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

If you have a sub-floor, we check that as well. Outside, we look under your deck, examine stumps, trees, and shrubbery, and look inside other buildings on your property. If you have timber stored around your property, we’ll look in there, too. To a termite, a pile of stored timber is like a holiday feast.

We don’t neglect your roof, either. Gutters, downspouts, gables, rafters—our pest control technicians check it all. Afterward, we give you the rundown on what we found and make our recommendation for treatment, if we do find termites on your property.

How Can Suburban Pest Management Get Rid of Your Termite Worries?

Our termite control inspectors have years of experience dealing with the types of termite infestations most common to the Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas. Licensed and insured, we have earned the confidence not only of our customers but also that of the area’s local conveyancers and lenders.

Constant vigilance is the only way to get rid of your termite worries. For a worry free life here in the fabulous Southeast Queensland area, schedule your termite inspection or management program with Suburban Pest Management today.

SPM Guarantee Offered on Termite Treatments

Southeast Queensland is considered one of the most competitive areas in Australia for Pest Control. There are a huge number of companies out there in the market offering you a wider variety of services and differing costs, which you can make the choice overwhelming. Whilst we're fully licensed and accredited to offer a product warranty on a range of different products, a product is only as good as its installation.

In our opinion, products don't fail installations do. This means that you cannot just rely on the paperwork that says you're covered. If something goes wrong and it wasn't a product failure, there's no warranty on your work. This is why you need to be able to trust the company installing it and look at their track record for proven results. You need to ask yourself how long have they been in business for and what experience do they have?

We've been protecting Queenslanders from termite attack for more than 30 years. Between new construction and existing buildings we install over 1,000 termite treatments each year, we've gotten pretty good at it. We're extensively trained and accredited in a range of different products, because we get that not one size fits all. So we take the time to suitably protect each property based on its individual circumstances. And we stand by our installations, our reputation is everything, so we offer an SPM guarantee on our service. So no matter what, we want you to be happy with our service, not just the products we install.

So if you want to know more about how we can protect your home from termite attack simply give us a call or inquire online today we look forward to hearing from you and keeping your home pest free.

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